How to Use Stellar

Stellar makes record keeping simple by offering a convenient way to submit grades, attendance & curriculum and to request documents.

 How to access Stellar:

  • Simply go to and select the Homeschool tab and then Current Family Login from the pull-down menu.
  • Enter the username (email address) and password you created when you enrolled. That will take you to the Stellar homepage.
  • There is a “Help” button that has great videos if you don’t find it to be intuitive.

How to set up your student’s account:

  • From the Stellar homepage, select Student Center.
  • On the student you want to set up, select Courses & Grades.
  • Select Add Year and enter the current school year and student’s current grade level.
  • Select Add Course and check the appropriate drop down menu if it is a credit (high school level) or non-credit course.
  • Choose the appropriate category under Select Category, then choose the appropriate course under Select Course.
  • If your course is not listed, click Can’t find course? and it will allow you to type in your own.
  • Select the appropriate semester for which this course applies.
  • In the field provided, enter the specific textbook or curriculum. If you do not use a specific textbook for that course, enter a short description of what you plan to use.
  • Select Save and close and repeat with the next course.

How to report K-8 grades:

  • Select Edit next to the name of the course.
  • Select the appropriate grade. You have the option of choosing a letter grade, Pass/Fail, or Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory.
  • Select the appropriate semester. You must select Fall or Spring. Do not select School Year. A note about summer: each school year contains the following semester in this order: fall, spring, and summer. Therefore, any summer coursework must be recorded at the end of the school year. (For example: if your student is enrolled for the 2019/2020 school year, and completes Algebra I during the summer of 2020, it must be reported on that school year. Do not report it on the 2020/2021 school year.)
  • Select Standard for course type.
  • Select Update Course.
  • Select Submit for review when finished. That will notify us that you have submitted grades.

How to report high school grades:

  • Select Edit next to the name of the course.
  • Select the appropriate grade. You must choose a letter grade because they are necessary for GPA calculations. You have the options of + or – with each letter grade.  A numerical grade of 93 would be a B+ whereas a 94 would be an A-.  A 100 average would naturally be an A+.  If your student is taking a class(es) with a tutorial or other instructor who uses a different grading scale, follow the scale used by the instructor for that class. Use this grading scale to convert numerical grades to letter grades:

A: 94 – 100

B: 86 – 93

C: 77 – 85

D: 70 – 76

F: 69 and below

  • Select the appropriate semester. You must select Fall or Spring. Do not select School Year. A note about summer: each school year contains the following semester in this order: fall, spring, and summer. Therefore, any summer coursework must be recorded at the end of the school year. (For example: if your student is enrolled for the 2019/2020 school year, and completes Algebra I during the summer of 2020, it must be reported on that school year. Do not report it on the 2020/2021 school year.)
  • Assign the credit value for that course. A student earns .5 credit per semester. DO NOT enter credit until it is earned! Typically, a one (1) credit course is 150 hours and a .5 credit course is 75 hours. Exceptions to this are dual enrollment courses, credit recovery courses, and block scheduling.
  • If the course is an honors or AP course, please ensure that is selected. Dual enrollment courses require the name of college, the exact name of the course, and course identification code. CLEP courses require the exact name of the CLEP exam and the exact score. Assign the grade by converting the raw score to a 100-based score.
  • Select Update Course.
  • Select Submit for review when finished. That will notify us that you have submitted grades.

A note about high school English: a full English credit consists of vocabulary, grammar, composition, and literature. Only one English credit is earned each grade level unless you have received prior approval. The course should be entitled English 9, English 10, English 11, or English 12 based on the grade level.

Certain math courses cannot be taken simultaneously, such as Pre-Algebra & Algebra I or Algebra I & Algebra II.

How to report attendance:

  • From the Student Center, select Attendance.
  • Select Add Attendance.
  • For each month, click each day that you did homeschool. If you accidentally add a day, click twice more to clear the box. Hit close.

How to use the Request Manager:

Request Manager is a valuable communication tool. It is on the Stellar homepage. The Request Manager is where you request records such as transcripts, diplomas, IDs, and driver’s license forms. You can also ask someone to contact you if you have a billing question or would like information about our tutoring and assessment services.

When submitting a request:

  • Your account must be completely up-to-date.
  • Please make sure your mailing address and email address are current.
  • Please be as specific as possible and also include the name of the student, if the request is student-specific such as a driver’s license form.

Driver’s license forms: Driver’s license forms are good for 30 days from the date of issue, so keep that in mind once you receive your form. If you need to request additional forms, we provide the second one at no charge. Any forms after that cost $10 each.

Transcripts: Please provide the name(s) and address(es) of the college(s). The Senior Fee includes up to two Official Transcripts. Additional ones are $20 each.